Revealing the passwords behind asterisks in Internet Explorer

The following source code reveals the passwords stored behind the asterisks in the web pages of Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. For more information about this project, click here.

'AsterWin IE v1.03
'Copyright  2002 - 2004 Nir Sofer
'Web site:
'This utility reveals the passwords behind the asterisks in the Internet Explorer windows.
(version 5.x and above only)
'It scans all opened Internet Explorer windows on your system, and reveals the passwords 
behind the asterisks in all password-boxes that appears in the web pages.
'This utility is released as freeware.
'You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM,
'Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this.
'If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution
'package including the source code, without any modification !
'You are not allowed to combine this utility with a commercial product in any way !

Private strCurrTitle            As String

'This function checks if we can access the Document object without errors.
Private Function CanAccessDocumentObject(Obj As Object) As Boolean
    Dim oDocument       As Object
    On Error GoTo err1:
    Set oDocument = Obj.document
    Set oDocument = Nothing
    CanAccessDocumentObject = True
    Exit Function
    CanAccessDocumentObject = False
End Function

Private Function IsPasswordBox(objElement As Object) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo err1
    If LCase(objElement.getAttribute("Type")) = "password" Then
        IsPasswordBox = True
        IsPasswordBox = False
    End If
    Exit Function
    IsPasswordBox = False
End Function

Private Function SearchPasswordsInDoc(objDoc As Object) As Boolean
    Dim objElement      As Object
    Dim lngLen          As Long
    Dim lngIndex        As Long
    Dim blnFound        As Boolean
    'Get the number of elements in the document.
    lngLen = objDoc.All.length
    'Enumerates all elements in the document, in order to find the password elements.
    For Each objElement In objDoc.All
        'Checks if the element is a password-box.
        If IsPasswordBox(objElement) Then
            'We found a password-box, so we reveal it together with window title.
            txtPasswords.Text = txtPasswords.Text & "Window Title: " & strCurrTitle & vbCrLf
            txtPasswords.Text = txtPasswords.Text & "Password: " & objElement.getAttribute("Value") _
            & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
            blnFound = True
        End If
    lngLen = objDoc.frames.length
    'Enumerates all frames in the document
    For lngIndex = 0 To lngLen - 1
        'First, check if we can access the document object without receiving any error:
        If CanAccessDocumentObject(objDoc.frames.Item(lngIndex)) Then
            'If the document contains one or more frames, search for a password also in them:
            If SearchPasswordsInDoc(objDoc.frames.Item(lngIndex).document) Then blnFound = True
        End If
    SearchPasswordsInDoc = blnFound
End Function

Private Sub ScanPasswords()
    Dim objShellWins    As New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
    Dim objExplorer     As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
    Dim objDocument     As HTMLDocument
    Dim blnFound        As Boolean
    Dim blnResult       As Boolean
    txtPasswords = "Scanning all windows, please wait..." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    'Enumerates All IE windows.
    For Each objExplorer In objShellWins
        If TypeOf objExplorer.document Is HTMLDocument Then
            Set objDocument = objExplorer.document
            'Saves the current title for using it if a password-box is found.
            strCurrTitle = objDocument.Title
            'Search for password-boxes in the document, including all frames in it.
            blnResult = SearchPasswordsInDoc(objDocument)
            If blnResult Then blnFound = True
        End If
    If Not blnFound Then
        txtPasswords.Text = txtPasswords.Text & "Password(s) not found." & vbCrLf
        txtPasswords.Text = txtPasswords.Text & "Done !" & vbCrLf
    End If
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPasswords_Click()
    On Error GoTo err1
    Exit Sub
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
    MsgBox "Error " & CStr(Err.Number) & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, ""
End Sub

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